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Online premiere of the animated film about Zilli Schmidt on

This year’s Genealogies of Memory conference organised by the European

Commemorative event Track 17, 18 October 2020, photo Marko Priske

This year, the commemorative event at “Gleis 17” took place in the smallest circle and was broadcast live.

Foreign Minister Maas visits monument to the murdered Jews of Europe

Außenminister Heiko Maas besucht Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas,


In 1924, on 30 June, exactly 96 years ago today, Walter Frankenstein was born in Flatow, West Prussia.

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Since March 2020, Germany has taken over the chairmanship of

Exhibition under the Field of Stelae reopened to visitors from 30 June I Daily free guided tours for visitors

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This morning (June 14, 2020) the Memorial to the persecuted Homosexuals under National Socialism was deliberately damaged.

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A new proposal for a memorial site in Berlin

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