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1st prize in the design competition: Ursula Wilms, Nikolaus Koliusis, Heinz W. Hallmann, photo: promo

As part of a joint public awareness project, the Technische Universität Munich and the Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe are responsible for creating the content of this new memorial.

(left to right) Tova Wagmann-Fürst (life partner of Naftali Fürst), Uwe Neumärker, Federal President Joachim Gauck, Lea Rosh, Naftali Fürst and 16 year-old school pupils from the Community School Marzahn-Hellersdorf in the Field of Stelae. Photo: Marko Priske Picture: (left to right) Uwe Neumärker, Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, Naftali Fürst und Lea Rosh in front of the enlarged portraits in the Information Centre, Photo: Marko Priske

On the 25 January 2013, Joachim Gauck, Germany’s Federal President, visited the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe to honour Remembrance Day for the victims of National Socialism.

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Arnold Julius recounts his experiences of National Socialism at an event in the former Jewish orphanage in Pankow in 2010. Photo: Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Arnold Julius was born on 11 April 1920 in Flatow

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Sabina van der Linden-Wolanski before her family history in the Room of Families in the Information Centre, in 2010, photo: Marko Priske

The Holocaust survivor Sabina van der Linden-Wolanski, who was a

Deckblatt Broschuere

»KICKING OFF MEMORY« – Brochure on Memorial Sites in the

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Over the past few years, cracks of different lengths and breadths have been appearing on the sides and/or tops of some of the concrete stelae (slabs) of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.

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