Workshop report


Sir Keir Starmer MP, chairman of the Labour Party, visited the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.

Commemoration at the Sinti and Roma Monument on 2 August 2021 © Foundation Memorial, photo Marko Priske (148)

On 10 July 2022, historical witness Zilli Schmidt celebrates her

Visit of President Tiny Kox1 (4)

On 8 July 2022, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly

Arkwright akt

Contemporary witness Kenneth James Arkwright has died. Since 2011, the

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In February 2021, Matthias Krones, who has been volunteering at

MG 4750

14 years ago, on May 27, 2008, the monument to the homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism was handed over to the public.

facebook EN Spendenaufruf-Ukraine
2019 06 19 Divozhyn 01

WE SHOW FLAG! We are stunned and dismayed. The Memorial

© Federal Government Jesco Denzel (1)

Today, January 27, 77 years ago, the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army.
