Start of construction work for the supplementary exhibition next to the Sinti and Roma Memorial
Today, in addition to the Memorial to the Sinti and
President of the Spanish Senate visits the Holocaust Memorial
H.E. Ander Gil Garcia, President of the Spanish Senate, visited
Ruth Zimmermann holds her first published memoirs in her hand
In February 2021, Matthias Krones, who has been volunteering at
»Freedom, equality and respect must be fought for anew every day.«
14 years ago, on May 27, 2008, the monument to the homosexuals persecuted under National Socialism was handed over to the public.
Since the beginning of the war, our partners in Ukraine have been providing intensive life and survival assistance
Geografie des »Netzwerk Erinnerung« in der Ukraine All 40 places
Harjit S. Sajjan, Canadian Minister of Development, visits Holocaust Memorial
As part of the meeting of G7 development ministers taking
APPEAL FOR DONATIONS – Aid network for survivors of Nazi persecution in Ukraine
Due to the current war in Ukraine, many people are
Teaching future generations about the Holocaust
On Monday, 7 March 2022, the Ambassador of the Republic
WE SHOW FLAG! We are stunned and dismayed. The Memorial
Visit by the Irish Prime Minister
At the end of his stay in Germany, Irish Prime